A new year has just kicked off and odds are, you or someone you know is participating in Dry January. The trend, initiated in Great Britain by a group called Alcohol Concern in 2013, has spread worldwide. In the U.S. alone, one out of every five people is electing to voluntarily give up alcohol for a month while globally, participants number in the millions.
Sobering up for thirty-one days has demonstrable health benefits such as increased energy, better sleep, better immune function and weight loss. People feel better, their skin clears up, productivity generally increases and as an added bonus, they save money they might ordinarily be spending at a bar or liquor store. What’s not to like?
Yet despite the obvious advantages Dry January (also known as Drynuary) brings, it’s not necessarily a walk in the park. Even for those who may enjoy just one beer or glass of wine after work to help them unwind, social and environmental cues can lead to unwelcome cravings that undermine the best intentions. Instead of enjoying the positive aspects of better health, abstainers may find themselves gritting their teeth through social occasions or looking for excuses to back out of their commitment.
Fortunately, a simple tool is at hand that can ease the process. Soluble zeolite is known for its ability to safely and effectively treat and dispose of all kinds of environmental toxins, from nuclear waste to heavy metals and pesticides and it’s just as effective at removing toxins in human beings. To appreciate what this has to do with our ability to transform habits, it’s important to understand the physical and mental impact of toxins and how zeolite functions within our bodies.
Bombarded by Toxins
In modern society, to avoid ingesting, absorbing or inhaling any toxic substance you would need to live in a plastic bubble like John Travolta’s title character in that made-for-t.v. 70’s movie. Our food contains pesticides; our furniture, cleaning products, and beauty products include hazardous substances; in many places around the world, our water has been polluted with lead. Even many seemingly harmless items like children’s toys contain substances such as cadmium, arsenic, and phthalates.
The Connection Between Toxins and Habits/ Addiction
As toxins build up in our body, they create a range of health effects. At worst, these include respiratory issues, developmental delays, diabetes, cardiac disease and even death. But even at relatively low doses, toxic overload can lead to brain fog, sluggishness, irritability and mood swings. That, says industry expert Clayton Thomas, is where habits can form, sometimes leading to addiction.
“If you’re polluted, your body wants to try to find homeostasis,” says Thomas. “It always wants to find balance. If you’re messed up biochemically with heavy metals, glyphosates, fire retardants, BPAs – the list is long – then your body is saying, ‘Okay, I need to feel better. What can I find to make me feel better?’”
Once we begin searching, there is no shortage of methods for providing chemical relief. Some occur naturally within our brains when we exercise or play video games while others such as drugs or alcohol are manufactured or processed. “Whenever someone gets that dopamine hit, the body and brain are saying, ‘Oh, I need to go back to that,’” explains Thomas, “but usually it’s not the right mechanism.”
How Soluble Zeolite Works in the Body
For millennia, zeolite has been used to bind heavy metals and environmental toxins. Two unique features make it so effective: a negative electrical charge which attracts heavy metals and other substances and a cage-like structure that binds particles to it, allowing them to be passed through organs like the liver or kidneys. “Zeolite is known to be this beautiful molecular sieve with a honey-combed, negatively charged cage structure that naturally will trap all of these toxins,” says Thomas.
In Vitality Detox Drops, a form of nano-soluble zeolite, a third component is added: size. While the majority of Zeolite products on the market today are suspensions of a powder which have fragment sizes too large to penetrate tissues and access the deeper reaches of the body where toxins are stored, Vitality Detox Drops are significantly smaller and have a broader range of nanosized particles, which means they are more effective at removing even the tiniest of toxic particles.
How Detoxification Can Support Changing Habits
As Thomas explained, when our bodies and brains are polluted, we reach for our preferred way of returning to balance. Cleaning up our toxic load can help to remove those cravings. “If you clean up the neural pathways and start to remove what’s causing a lot of the disruption in your biochemistry, you remove a lot of the triggers and the need for whatever substance,” says Thomas.
So for those engaging in Dry January, a simple way to make the transition less stressful is by adding small amounts of soluble zeolite to your daily regimen. “It doesn’t matter what your drug of choice is,” Thomas says. “The mechanism is the same. If you can work to clean up your system, you’re going to see results.”
The post Support Yourself During Dry January with Soluble Zeolite appeared first on Vitality Detox Drops.